ISSN: 2344 - 102X
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Article from Volume 8, Number 3, Year 2020PROBLEMS OF COMPETITIVE DEVELOPMENT OF INDUSTRY IN UKRAINE | Download | Author(s): Viktoriya Marhasova, Nadiia Shmygol, Olga Galtsova, Oleksiy Solovyov, Artur Zhavoronok | DOI: 104316/EJAFB.2020.839 | | Abstract: In the work, the study of the factors of sectoral competitiveness has been further developed on the basis of modern scientific experience, in contrast to the existing ones, it goes out of the directions of assessing the market position, socio-economic situation in the region, property status and financial well-being of business entities. In the framework of this study, based on the accumulated scientific experience, many factors were formed to determine the industry's competitive position and an analysis of the current state of Ukrainian industry in certain areas of assessment. | Keywords: Industry, Economy, Market, Competition, Development | References: 1. Shevchenko, M. M. (2006). Methods For Assessing The Competitiveness Of Industries In Terms Of Internationalization: Dis. Cand. Econ. Sciences: 08.07.01.
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11. Shmygol, N., Galtsova, O., Solovyov, O., Koval, V., Arsawan, I.W.E. (2020). Analysis Of Country's Competitiveness Factors Based On Inter-state Rating Comparisons E3S. Web Of Conferences.
12. Perevozova, I., Shmygol, N., Tereshchenko, D., Kandahura, K., Katerna, O. (2019). Introduction Of Creative Economy In International Relations: Aspects Of Development Security. Journal Of Security And Sustainability Issues, 9(1), 139-154.
13. Shmygol, N., Galtsova, O., & Varlamova, I. (2018). Developing A Methodology To Assess The Environmental And Economic Performance Index Based On International Research To Resolve The Economic And Environmental Problems Of Ukraine. Baltic Journal Of Economic Studies, 4(4), 366-374.
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