ISSN: 2344 - 102X
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Article from Volume 8, Number 3, Year 2020MEDIATION ON MATTERS ARISING FROM LABOUR RELATIONS. THE CHINESE AND EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE | Download | Author(s): Rafa? Blicharz, Dong Yan | DOI: 104316/EJAFB.2020.8310 | | Abstract: The article is devoted to the issue of mediation on matters arising from labour relations from Chinese and European perspective. It provides historical context of mediation on matters arising from labour cases in China, shows principles, institutions, mechanisms and proceedings concerning labour cases specification on mediation. The second part of the article is devoted to European regulation on the same aspects of mediation rising from labour cases. | Keywords: Mediation In China; Mediation Principles; Mediation Proceedings; Types Of Mediation In China; Labour Relations | References: 1. Alexander, N. (2009). International Comparative Mediation: Legal Perspectives. Wolter Kluwer International, 12 – 15.
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