ISSN: 2344 - 102X
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Article from Volume 2, Number 1, Year 2014BUSINESS ORGANIZATION IN RELATION TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONSUMERS: ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES | Download | Author(s): Marius Costel Esi | DOI: 10.4316/EJAFB.2014.214 | | Abstract: Establishing and implementing a business organization's mission in relation to the consumer's requirements involves, from a managerial point of view, an analysis of the contexts, demands and conditionings already available on the economic market, but also within a corroborated social dimension. We are considering, in this regard, aspects that are evident in terms of scientific analysis, aspects that can be found within a business organization and which can be explained by comparing the concept of mission statement with the strategies undertaken by the decision makers (managers), as well as with consumer' set of demands. Through such an approach we want to emphasize the way in which the mission of the business organization is embedded - as a principle of responsibility oriented towards the consumers - within the consumer's requirements on the economic market. Therefore, an analysis of the way in which the mission of a business organization is stated implies, in our opinion, certain pragmatic and epistemological explanations designed to justify the idea of a rational model regarding the assumption of management strategies and decision making process within the business organization. In these circumstances, the present analysis aims, from a methodological standpoint, to a delineation of issues related to the main economic and social aspects retrieved on managerial level. Also, through this study, we want to exhibit the perception of economic events/activities and their realistic interpretations within the specialized literature contents and practice, interpretations that combined with the definition and the statement of every business mission, illustrate the manner in which performance is further materialized within economic organizations. Consequently, the scientific explicitation and the daily economical examples transpose, on a pragmatic level, the actual typology of the organizational mission, on which we can aver that it could be understood and clarified, on the one hand, by reporting to the management strategies, undertaken in the professional practice itself to the consumers' demands/ requests and, on the other hand, by comparing the same strategies with the responsibilities of every social-economic actor. | Keywords: Mission Statement, Business Organization, Economic Requirements, Social Responsibilities, Economic Market | References: 1. Baldridge, J.V., 1980. Managerial Innovation: Rules For Successful Implementation. The Journal Of Higher Education (JSTOR), Volume 51, No. 2. Ohio State University Press, Pp.117-134.
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