![European Journal of Accounting, Finance & Business](graphics/coperta3.jpg)
ISSN: 2344 - 102X
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Article from Volume 2, Number 1, Year 2014MONETARY ESTIMATES OF SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL COSTS AND BENEFITS IN THE WIND ENERGY SECTOR | ![](graphics/pdf.jpg) Download | Author(s): Alina Zaharia, Daniela Popa, Aurelia - Gabriela Antonescu | DOI: 10.4316/EJAFB.2014.216 | | Abstract: Monetary estimating the social and environmental costs and benefits of energy is a key to the development of truly green projects that would allow first of all presentation of economic, social and environmental benefits and costs to the stakeholders so that they would form a scientific opinion about what really happens in green economy. Through this study we tried to present and monetary estimate a series of social and environmental costs and benefits of wind energy given the challenges which mankind is facing on a global scale and even locally. The results of this article are in fact the conclusion that these estimates are subjective and could not be regarded as reliable. Also was revealed that the use of wind resources for power production compared to lignite could be better if we take into account the social and environmental dimension. | Keywords: Externalities, Green Economy, Monetary Estimate, Social And Environmental Dimension, Wind Energy Sector. | References: 1. United Nations Environment Programme (2011), Towards A Green Economy: Pathways To Sustainable Development And Poverty Eradication, UNEP.
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